My Story
I've always had a passion for music since I was a child. Growing up in a family of musicians, I have always been surrounded with musical instruments. Throughout the years, I learned how to play the piano, guitar, drums and violin. My first experience with the kalimba was in 2020. I wondered how such a small instrument could play various levels of music, from the accompaniment to the lead; I was amazed.
Although it was labeled as a ‘thumb piano’, the arrangement of the keys were completely different from the piano so it felt like I was learning a new instrument and it filled me with excitement. After half a month of practice, I slowly mastered my first song ‘In Christ Alone’ and I wanted to commemorate my achievement by taking a video of my cover.
Aside from music, I also have a passion for photography and film making so filming my kalimba cover was a fun process for me. Every time I successfully finished a song on my kalimba, it became a habit to film the end result and post it online.
My YouTube channel became somewhat of a video journal where I can track my progress with my kalimba and at the same time acted as an outlet to polish my videography skills. It surprised me how a lot of people wanted to know more about the kalimba and this inspired me to create guides to help disseminate more information about the instrument. It felt good to help people by sharing my knowledge on the instrument and I hope to share more about the kalimba for many more years to come!